Free Affidavit of Marriage Form

Free Affidavit of Marriage FormAn Affidavit of Marriage is a notarized copy of a marriage license that shows proof that the marriage is valid. You must be married to compose a legal Marriage Affidavit.

An Affidavit of Marriage form is a legal document establishing the proof of a lawful union between two people. Both parties have to be present when the Affidavit of Marriage document is executed before an authorized official, such as a notary public.

An Affidavit of Marriage is needed to establish proof that a marriage exists in the event of a lost marriage license, lost marriage certificate, or common law marriage.

The requirements of an Affidavit of Marriage can vary by state. The main purpose of an Affidavit of Marriage is to recognize a marriage and it represents the legal bond between the two individuals in question. The Marriage Affidavit is referred to as the legal proof of the relationship.

An Affidavit of Marriage can be executed by couples who:
• Share the same regular permanent residence
• Have a close relationship
• Not married to anyone else
• Share living expenses
• At valid marrying age
• Not related by blood
• Are mentally competent to sign the document

Most free Affidavit of Marriage forms have the same type of elements that are present on all official affidavit documents. The name of both partners, the date they were married, the signature of the witnesses, and their home address are all components of an Affidavit of Marriage form.

Download a free Affidavit of Marriage form customized with your personal documentation.

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